Sunday, November 16, 2014

Do You Have a Tipped Uterus? 69 Things Your Gynecologist Wishes You Knew, by Melissa Wolf, MD. Morgan James Publishing, 2014

This is one of those books you can read in an hour, but that doesn’t mean it’s fluff. Written by an OB/GYN, it’s full of facts about female reproductive organs and more. Sixty-nine subjects, sixty-nine facts. Most topics are only a couple of pages long. Dr. Wolf covers the embarrassing subjects we’re shy of asking as well as telling how to get the most out of a visit to the doctor’s office. She tells how to make sure you don’t have a long wait at the dr. office: be the first appointment of the day. What to douche with: nothing. Ever. What some of those odd pains are.

I do have to take issue with one of her entries: she says that doctors don’t judge patients for what they do. She and her colleagues may not, but some doctors do judge. I’ve had it happen to me. I’ve been judged for things I wasn’t even doing, and it’s not pleasant. And she takes the Dr. House attitude on patients: everybody lies. If you tell a doctor that you have one drink a day, they will assume you actually have two drinks a day. They are taught to do this. To assume every single patient lies seems rather judgmental to me. Still, there are a lot of good facts in here, especially for young women. 

The above is an affiliate link. If you click through and buy something, Amazon will give me a few cents. This in no way affected my review.

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