In this short
story collection, Divakaruni explores the lives of Indians facing the
differences of the American way of life versus the Indian way. A mother living
in America with her son’s family finds herself with no real place there while
her friend in India thinks she must be living a wonderful life of leisure in
America. A young Indian-American mother fights with her feelings about the
father who abandoned her to go to America, who now wants to meet his only
grandson. A young woman strikes out on her own, only to find herself in the
middle of a soap opera situation- living with her boss’s ‘second wife’ and
having two people fall in love with her. The expectations of the elders is that
woman will be subordinate and do all the child care and housework; the younger
generation- especially those born in America- think that is nonsense. The older
generation embarrasses the younger with their old country ways. Traditional
Indian ways hit up against the tide of change. These are lovely little stories of
the juggling acts that immigrant families sometimes have to face.
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I'll look for this one. Currently reading V.S. Naipaul's "The Enigma of Arrival". Further on the Indian immigrant experience interests me
Darla, would you like me to send you this book? I'd be happy to mail it to you.